Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What happened

I have a link in the side to the site that Beth refers to, but I thought I'd link her post just so people may be interested enough to look at it.

What Really Happened In The Middle East

What Really Happened in the Middle East


Maybe more people will learn what really happened.

Roberts ok after Stroke

Justice Roberts was ok after a stroke. He is hospitalized in Maine and doctors say he will recover.

Here's some reportage of the event:

Upon hearing the news that Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts suffered a seizure today and was taken to the hospital, Democrats assumed their standard, hateful position…

Some of the posts from DU:

16. If there is a God, then he is not too young to become the right-hand maiden to Satan in the inner reaches of Hell.

37. May Roberts and every other Bu$hco appointed treasonous Bastard rot in hell for their interpretive abuse and misuse of OUR (WE THE PEOPLES), Constitution and Rights! NO SYMPATHY HERE! MAYBE EXXON OR ONE OF THE BIG CORPS WHO CARE LESS ABOUT OUR COUNTRY AND PEOPLE WILL SEND HIM SOME LILIES.

45. Fuck him; it wouldn’t bother me if that was a one way trip.

52. There are 300 million screwed Americans… and I can no longer ellicit concerns for those whom have helped to abbrogate the constitution. I refuse to “wish him well” or pretend I hope for an early recovery. In my heart of hearts, I pray he dies slowly by an STD that he could have avoided by the condom use he felt it was wrong to advocate for American youth.I hope that tonight, John Roberts confronts his mortality, and then, weighing himself, finds himself as wanting as I do…

And, as usual, this isn’t just some fringe element thinking… it’s mainstream thinking on the Left:

Wonkette: “Chief Justice John Roberts has died in his summer home in Maine. No, not really, but we know you have your fingers crossed.”

More examples at TexasRainmaker's site, click over and read. We all know how the left is the 'tolerant' party eh?

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Two more links for 3 bloggers from each roll.

Adelaide Green Porridge Cafe with Online Newspapers
Advice From A Fake Consultant with On Data Collection, Or, Help Us Learn More About "Alternate Lunch"
An Insomniac with Back in the UK

Fred Rolls:
American and Proud with Freed Gitmo Inmates Immediately Return to Jihad
Dumb Ox Daily News with Super Fred Dead ?
Lubbock Marine Parents with Great Websites

Conservatives for Fred:
The Northwest Conservative Underground with Clueless liberals think they can Police Better!
Conservative Beach Girl with Is Connecticut a safe haven for felons, illegals, and more?
Onsei Kick with Treasurer Battle?

American Conservative:
Blue Star Chronicles with The Mystery of the ‘Kissing Sailor’ May Have Been Solved
Semper Gratus! with VAJoe.com Giving Away $Money$ Again
GM's Corner with More On Scott Thomas - The Intrepid GM Grabs His Magnifying Glass And His Calabash Pipe, Puts On His Deerstalker Cap and Solves The Case.

OneBigDog's Roll:
INSIGHT on Freedom with What IS a Veteran?
Soldiers Angels New York with Review: May No Soldier Go Unloved
NoisyRoom.net with Rice and Gates in Saudi Arabia Tuesday to promote new US triple-level defense strategy against Iranian threat

Reject the U.N.:
Purple Avenger with The Ball Screw
JUDEOPHOBE WATCH with Breaking Jews: Christianity A Fiction Fashioned By Semites

Boycott Citgo:
Cigar Intelligence Agency with Barack Obama, Neville Chamberlain for the 21st Century
Basti Says with RELATED: The Field Guide to Trolls (Which One Are You?)
A NEWT ONE with SNOOPER SHOW WENT GREAT (audio, so click to website)

Digital Rambler with yahoo’s spreadsheet viewer
I, Ramble will not allow me to open it, be careful
Lost Rambling with I haven't disappeared.

Again, enjoy.

Another Blog in trouble

Big Scary Company Trying to Sue Me For Something I Did Not Do

So, the other day I received a copy of a subpoena from a web-company that I do business with. Apparently they received a subpoena for my contact information because of a link to my page on their service from a blog I have never seen before in my life. Apparently, the company that is suing seems to think I write the blog in question (hint: it is not this blog, and this is my only blog).

The claim is that the blog in question contains some information that was obtained and posted illegally. The really scary thing is that the information that was posted seems to be talking about the company that is suing, the CIA, and war crimes. That is some heavy stuff.

The funny thing is that the web service that I do business with includes a link back to my personal site. Yet this company is trying to sue Cafepress for information about who I am. It is kinda tempting to send them a letter saying “hey dip-sh!#$, my name is Jackson Miller. It says it right f*(%!#&& there in your subpoena” (there is a screenshot for the web company I do business with). Of course, I will not really do that since I am a big pussy. Come to think of it, maybe I will.

Good luck to Mr. Miller. When will the people learn?

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Cut and Run (new and improved!)

Time for a new 'strategy' from the Democrats:

Murtha pushes new troop withdrawal plan
By ANNE FLAHERTY, Associated Press Writer 9 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - A leading Democratic House Iraq war critic said Wednesday he'll soon push legislation that would order U.S. troop withdrawals to begin in two months and predicted Republicans will swing behind it this time.

I do love the optimism from Murtha on the support he'll garner this time around. This kind of optimistic impulse should usually be rewarded. Maybe a treat of some kind.
In response to Murtha's proposal, House Republican Leader John Boehner said Democrats were ignoring progress in Iraq.

"If they are not listening to reports from our generals today, how does anyone believe they will make an honest and objective decision in September?" Boehner, R-Ohio, said. "Our national security is not a political football, and Republicans aren't going to treat it as such."(link)

And deep into the article we get the money quote from the Republican side. If the Democrats are going to claim a failure before even listening to the reports, what makes us trust them? (nothing if their approval ratings are accurate ~ 14%)

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Feingold must be drunk on his party's successes in Congress:
Sen. Feingold proposes censuring Bush
1 hour, 6 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Liberal Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold said Sunday he wants Congress to censure President Bush for his management of the Iraq war and his "assault" against the Constitution.

But Feingold's own party leader in the Senate showed little interest in the idea. An attempt in 2006 by Feingold to censure Bush over the warrantless spying program attracted only three co-sponsors.

Feingold, a prominent war critic, said he soon plans to offer two censure resolutions — measures that would amount to a formal condemnation of the Republican president. (link)

His last attempt wasn't too good and I wouldn't expect this one to garner much support either. But there is that 14% number to look at and many Democrats may try to use this to bolster their sinking 'mandate'.

With what the Democrats have (not) accomplished already, this bill fits right in with their agenda.

Saturday, July 21, 2007


Saturday is going to be link day: 3 links from each blogroll (2 links per blog)

A Conservatives's blog with Cash for Peerages, A private prosecution?
A View from the Right with What I feel as well...
A Young Conservative with Cameron's Got It Wrong

Fred Rolls:
TexasFred with A Dear Abby fan in Beaumont, TX…
Janne's Jabberwocky with Satirical Saturday - How to Drive in Florida
Hillbilly White Trash with Radical Islam Exposed, Part VII

Conservatives for Fred:
Moc's Blog with Vive Le Revolucion Conservateur?
ThompsonRally with Fear On The Other Side
Conservative Superiority with Executive Privilege Clinton vs. Bush

American Conservative:
The Minuteman with Sad But True
The Median Sib with New House Update
Blog @ MoreWhat.com with US, India, Claim Substantial Progress in Nuclear Talks

OneBigDog's Roll:
OneBigDog with Cows Cause Global Warming Even If We Eat Them? »
Reject the U.N. with United Nations Seals the Condemnation of Israel
Chicago Ray with More Jobs Americans Won't Do George?

Reject the U.N.:
Rhymes With Right with Legalize Hemp
Reformed Chicks Blabbing with A tale of two papers: Thompson's support among the conservatives
Bloviating Zeppelin with Decisions Made In A Vacuum - OR - Vacuous Decisons

Boycott Citgo:
Wake Up America with Democrats Strip John Doe Amendment from Homeland Security Bill
"7.62mm Justice" TM with Weekend Funny…
FREEDOM EDEN with Al Gore III: The VERY Inconvenient Truth

...Just Rambling... with Saying Good-bye To A Home
Count Ramblings with Apparently, Hillary Clinton has this war shit all figured out.
:: cykopath :: ramblings :: with New take on urinal games

There ya go, enjoy the ones you like and talk bad about the ones you don't :)
[some aren't updated but I can't make em write stuff]

Email humor

Via TexasFred in my email box this am:
Dear Abby,

I am a crack dealer in Beaumont, Texas who has recently been diagnosed as a carrier of HIV virus.

My parents live in Fort Worth and one of my sisters, who lives in Pflugerville, is married to a transvestite.

My father and mother have recently been arrested for growing and selling marijuana.

They are financially dependent on my other two sisters, who are prostitutes in Dallas.

I have two brothers, one is currently serving a non-parole life sentence at Huntsville for the murder of a teenage boy in 1994.

My other brother is currently in jail awaiting charges of sexual misconduct with his three children.

I have recently become engaged to marry a former prostitute who lives in Longview, She is a part time "working girl".

All things considered, my problem is this.

I love my fiance and look forward to bringing her into the family.

I certainly want to be totally open and honest with her.

Should I tell her about my cousin who supports Hillary Clinton for President ?


Worried About My Reputation

This will probably 'hurt' some peoples feelings, but I'm still laughing at it.

Friday, July 20, 2007

My first big invite...

Donate Sign Up Tell a Friend Raise Funds Call Talk Radio Write Letters

On behalf of Sen. Fred Thompson, I want to thank you for joining with other Friends of Fred online to show your support.

Friends of Fred, of course, is more than an online gathering place. Fred is traveling around the country talking about his vision for America's future, and as a valued supporter, we would like to invite you to attend a fundraising event in your area.

Please join us for an evening reception in Birmingham on Monday, July 23rd.

We hope you'll be able to join us, make some new Friends, and show your support for Fred.


Unsubscribe | Privacy Policy

Paid for by Friends of Fred Thompson, Inc.
This really sucks as I work Monday :(

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Shocking news today on the 'Libby lied, people cried' front:
Valerie Plame's lawsuit dismissed
AP Photo: In this Friday, March 16, 2007, file photo, former CIA analyst Valerie Plame listens...By MATT APUZZO, Associated Press Writer
44 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - A federal judge dismissed former CIA operative Valerie Plame's lawsuit against members of the Bush administration Thursday, eliminating one of the last courtroom remnants of the leak scandal.

Plame, the wife of former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, had accused Vice President Dick Cheney and others of conspiring to leak her identity in 2003. Plame said that violated her privacy rights and was illegal retribution for her husband's criticism of the administration.

U.S. District Judge John D. Bates dismissed the case on jurisdictional grounds and said he would not express an opinion on the constitutional arguments. Bates dismissed the case against all defendants: Cheney, White House political adviser Karl Rove, former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby and former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage. (link)
I can't tell you how heart-broken I am for poor Val and Joseph. I can't tell you probably because there aren't words to allow me to make you believe any such thing. Kiss-and-tell Val will appeal I'm sure and this sordid affair will drag on longer than the current Presidential campaign.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

House tried, now the Senate tries (and fails)

After the House recently tried (and failed) to surrender in Iraq, the Senate stayed up all night (yawn) to try their hand at giving up. Too bad the only thing the Democrats could lose is the vote to surrender (to bad for them that is).

Senate scuttles troop withdrawal bill

By ANNE FLAHERTY, Associated Press Writer
15 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Senate Republicans scuttled a Democratic proposal ordering troop withdrawals from Iraq in a showdown Wednesday that capped an all-night debate on the war.

Notice from the language just who the reporter was betting on? (hint, it's not the guys with R behind their name)

The 52-47 vote fell short of the 60 votes needed to cut off debate under Senate rules. It was a sound defeat for Democrats who say the U.S. military campaign, in its fifth year and requiring 158,000 troops, cannot tame the sectarian violence in Iraq.

"We have to get us out of a middle of a civil war" said Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., who chairs the Foreign Relations Committee. A political solution must be found "so when we leave Iraq, we don't just send our children home, we don't have to send our grandchildren back."

The best way to avoid sending his (or your) grandchildren to Iraq is to win the war; and avoid a draft. As it is at the moment NO ONE sends their children to war (a point lost on the liberal left).

Republicans were mostly unified in their opposition to sidetrack the legislation, with four exceptions. Three Republicans — Sens. Gordon Smith of Oregon, Olympia Snowe of Maine and Chuck Hagel{heh-LN} of Nebraska — announced previously they support setting a deadline on the war.{surrender-LN}

Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, who is up for re-election next year, also voted to advance the bill. Spokesman Kevin Kelley said Collins believes the measure should be subject to a simple majority vote and not the 60 votes needed to end a filibuster. She opposes the legislation, however, Kelley said.{don't believe the lie, if she voted to send it to a vote, she wants it to pass, but wants a safe vote for re-election} (link)

We need some Republicans in these seats... not these RINO's. Love how Kelley tried the yes-cloture to no-pass vote trick, after all the writing that has been done on that procedure, you'd think someone up for re-election would learn. Of course, it is Maine and the N.E. is mostly blue.

Mother of slain 4-year-old faces deportation order

Louisville Courier-Journal (link may require registration to view article)
Friday, July 13, 2007

LOUISVILLE: The mother of the 4-year-old boy whose body was found in the trash last week is the subject of a deportation order, officials said today.

Rosalina Cano, 39, mother of CĂ©sar Ivan Aguilar-Cano, has an outstanding order issued by an immigration judge in 1996, said Tim Counts, a spokesman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

He said he could not elaborate for privacy reasons or say whether she would be taken into custody.

The boy, known as Ivan to his family, disappeared June 29 while playing behind his apartment building near Churchill Downs. His body was found in a city garbage truck last Saturday.

Family spokesman Christopher 2X (EMB: "Yes that is his actual legal name. I guess they ran out of all the cool ones") said the order was issued in Los Angeles, where Cano lived until nine years ago.

Cano has been meeting with her lawyer to figure out how she can escort her son's body to Santa Rosa, Guatemala, her hometown, and then return to the United States.

Cano filed paperwork Thursday for a special visa status that is given to immigrants who have been victims of serious crimes and whose assistance is essential to authorities. Cano is an illegal immigrant.

Cano has said repeatedly that she wants to accompany the body to Guatemala only if it can be guaranteed that she can return to this country to help with the search for her son's killer.

"The lawyers feel that there are ways to work this out so that she can see justice for her son but also try to work towards her potential American citizenship," 2X said.

2X said that Cano's deportation order complicates her pending application, but he believes Louisville Metro Police may have helped her case by saying she is important to the investigation. That is a requirement of the special visa status Cano is requesting.

It was not immediately clear why the deportation order was issued. Cano's lawyer has declined to speak to the media, 2X said.

Cano said she was denied a request for political asylum 11 years ago.

It was not immediately clear whether Cano's deportation order came before or after her application for asylum.

Counts declined to comment specifically about this case but said: "Many times applying for immigration benefits that one doesn't qualify for gets one into the system."

As of tonight, immigration officials had not contacted the family or its lawyers, 2X said.

The Guatemalan Embassy will pay part of the funeral costs, including transporting the body to Guatemala, said Hector Pallacios, consul of the embassy in Washington, D.C.

A private wake will be held tonight at Holy Name Catholic Church on South Third Street, with a public vigil there later.

Reporter James Wagner can be reached at jwagner@courier-journal.com.

Now, I don't want to seem like I am piling on to a mother that has lost her son in a very gruesome manner but I guess I am. I sincerely feel for her. I don't know what I would do if my son (not much older than her son was) were to disappear for over a week only to be found stuffed in a garbage bag in the back of a garbage truck.

That not withstanding, she is here illegally. She's had a deportation order/warrant for 10 YEARS! There should be no question whether or not she should be allowed to stay here. The only reason she should be allowed back in the U.S. is to help with the police investigation of her son's homicide. Then only under special conditions. Maybe house arrest with electronic monitoring with the condition that when the investigation and/or trial is over that she be sent back to Guatemala. Oh, not for nothing, but in the 10 years+ that she has been here, apparently she hasn't bothered to learn English. Whenever she appeared on TV she had to have a translator.

I don't know when our government (Republicans and Democrats) will get serious about stopping illegal immigration. They had better hurry. Because one day, it will be too damned late.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


From email (via EMB):

President Bush and Rumsfeld are sitting in a bar.

A guy walks in and asks the bartender, "Isn't that Bush and Rumsfeld sitting over there?"

The bartender says, "Yep, that's them."

So the guy walks over and says, "Wow, this is a real honor! What are you guys doing in here?"

Bush says, "We're planning WW III."

The guy says, "Really? What's going to happen?"

Bush says, "Well, we're going to kill 140 million Muslims and one blonde with big tits."

The guy exclaimed, "A blonde with big tits? Why kill a blonde with big tits?"

Bush turns to Rumsfeld and says, "See, I told you, no one gives a shit about the 140 million Muslims".


Saturday, July 14, 2007


Just watched Darkness Falls (Sony) and would have to say it was a great movie. I've not read what others (experts and what not) have written about it, but I found the plot good, the action scary and the characters 'believable'.

If you like scary movies, this is a good one to watch. I'll not post on what it's about to save you any spoilers (if you follow the link above, you'll get the main site for it), but do not watch this alone if you get scared easily.

Falen: If you read this one, make sure you are not staying home alone after watching this movie, I know how much movies get to you and this one would do it hard.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

House OK's Plan to Withdraw US Troops(retreat)
WASHINGTON - The Iraqi government is achieving only spotty military and political progress, the Bush administration conceded Thursday in an assessment that war critics quickly seized on as confirmation of their dire warnings. Within hours, the House voted to withdraw U.S. troops by spring.

The House measure passed 223-201 in the Democratic-controlled chamber despite a veto threat from President Bush, who has ruled out any change in war policy before September.

"The security situation in Iraq remains complex and extremely challenging," the administration report concluded. The economic picture is uneven, it added, and the government has not yet enacted vital political reconciliation legislation.

As many as 80 suicide bombers per month cross into the country from Syria, said the interim assessment, which is to be followed by a fuller accounting in September from Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. military commander in the region.(link)

What was it the little engine kept saying? "I think I can, I think I can." Sounds like the Democratic approach to the war and losing it.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Step 1

Well this is what lil bit and I did today (picture isn't that good, cell phone) now to watch the video and get started on the regime.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Reposting this from Defending the Blog (BP home) for those of you that read here but not there (and why are you doing that??)

There are things I need to do badly, the most important is to right my ship of life as I havn't been able to do since my divorce. I don't post much at my blog and even less here and I feel BP will be growing soon and need someone that is attentive to its needs in my place.

If and when I get my life turned around, I'll come back full force; until that time, I will still be here but not the same. I've avoided taking a look at myself long enough, it's time to fix it (sh$t or get off the pot eh?).

Not sure what this means to me and this blog, I may post as normal, may post and not comment, hell if I knew what it meant; then I wouldn't have written it (heh).

I'm still here, send me an email if you need me or comment on here and I'll get with you.

"Our Lives, Our Fortunes, Our Sacred Honor"

This is the day of the year where Americans the world over celebrate our Independence. We gather together, grill out, play games outside, drink lots of alcohol {and i had to work - LN}. Finally, as the day winds down, the sun slips below the horizon and the dark descends upon the revelers, we crane our necks skyward and proceed to be delighted by fireworks displays which light up the night.

There is a deeper meaning than this celebration. One that sometimes gets lost in our day of joy.

I'm speaking of the original 4th of July, 1776. The day when our country's Forefathers declared our intentions to bring forth a new nation unto this world. The creators and signatories of the Declaration of Independence worked long and hard and pledged their lives, fortunes and their sacred honor to this new nation they were about to midwife.

It is this time of year that I bring out my copy of the Declaration of Independence and read it. You can find it pretty much anywhere online but here's one link to it (it appears each July 4th in the Washington Times);

I also bring out a copy of a speech that was given many times by Rush H. Limbaugh Jr (yes, he's the father of the famous radio talk show host). This speech is exemplary and I thought I'd share excerpts of his speech with you.
It was a glorious morning. The sun was shining and the wind was from the southeast. Up especially early, a tall bony, redheaded young Virginian found time to buy a new thermometer, for which he paid three pounds, fifteen shillings. He also bought gloves for Martha, his wife, who was ill at home.

Thomas Jefferson arrived early at the statehouse. The temperature was 72.5 degrees and the horseflies weren't nearly so bad at that hour. It was a lovely room, very large, with gleaming white walls. The chairs were comfortable. Facing the single door were two brass fireplaces, but they would not be used today.

The moment the door was shut, and it was always kept locked, the room became an oven. The tall windows were shut, so that loud quarreling voices could not be heard by passersby. Small openings atop the windows allowed a slight stir of air, and also a large number of horseflies. Jefferson records that "the horseflies were dexterous in finding necks, and the silk of stockings was nothing to them." All discussing was punctuated by the slap of hands on necks.
A total of 86 alterations were made. Almost 500 words were eliminated, leaving 1,337. At last, after three days of wrangling, the document was put to a vote.

Here in this hall Patrick Henry had once thundered: "I am no longer a Virginian, sir, but an American." But today the loud, sometimes bitter argument stilled, and without fanfare the vote was taken from north to south by colonies, as was the custom. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was adopted.
Even before the list was published, the British marked down every member of Congress suspected of having put his name to treason. All of them became the objects of vicious manhunts. Some were taken. Some, like Jefferson, had narrow escapes. All who had property or families near British strongholds suffered.

Francis Lewis, New York delegate saw his home plundered -- and his estates in what is now Harlem -- completely destroyed by British Soldiers. Mrs. Lewis was captured and treated with great brutality. Though she was later exchanged for two British prisoners through the efforts of Congress, she died from the effects of her abuse.

John Hart of Trenton, New Jersey, risked his life to return home to see his dying wife. Hessian soldiers rode after him, and he escaped in the woods. While his wife lay on her deathbed, the soldiers ruined his farm and wrecked his homestead. Hart, 65, slept in caves and woods as he was hunted across the countryside. When at long last, emaciated by hardship, he was able to sneak home, he found his wife had already been buried, and his 13 children taken away. He never saw them again. He died a broken man in 1779, without ever finding his family.

And, finally, there is the New Jersey signer, Abraham Clark.

He gave two sons to the officer corps in the Revolutionary Army. They were captured and sent to that infamous British prison hulk afloat in New York Harbor known as the hell ship Jersey, where 11,000 American captives were to die. The younger Clarks were treated with a special brutality because of their father. One was put in solitary and given no food. With the end almost in sight, with the war almost won, no one could have blamed Abraham Clark for acceding to the British request when they offered him his sons' lives if he would recant and come out for the King and Parliament. The utter despair in this man's heart, the anguish in his very soul, must reach out to each one of us down through 200 years with his answer: "No."
The 56 signers of the Declaration Of Independence proved by their every deed that they made no idle boast when they composed the most magnificent curtain line in history. "And for the support of this Declaration with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."
Rush suggests (and I agree) that;
each of you take the time this month to read through the text of the Declaration, one of the most noble and beautiful political documents in human history.

There is no more profound sentence than this: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness..."

These are far more than mere poetic words. The underlying ideas that infuse every sentence of this treatise have sustained this nation for more than two centuries. They were forged in the crucible of great sacrifice. They are living words that spring from and satisfy the deepest cries for liberty in the human spirit.

"Sacred honor" isn't a phrase we use much these days, but every American life is touched by the bounty of this, the Founders' legacy. It is freedom, tested by blood, and watered with tears.
I have read and re-read both the Declaration of Independence and his father's speech more times than I can remember. When I need a reminder of how precious our liberty is and how unique the United States of America is in the annals of history, I simply pull out my hard-copy and receive a jolt of pride and humility up my spine.

Pride in the fact that I'm part of the legacy of those great men and women who have come before me and who have shaped the course of this nation.

Humility in recognizing that we cannot rest on their laurels and must continue to uphold the tenents that our Forefathers held forth.

I pledge to all of you on this day that I will continue to work, in both my private and public life, to make sure that this "American Experiment" will not disappear in the shifting sands of time.

God Bless you all...

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY !!! -{great post Thai, happy 4th to you and yours too - LN}

Indepence day and an Awards thing

Happy 4th of July to all the Americans that read this (and to the friends of yours that don't).

I'm involved in the Blogger's choice awards... yes I have no shot (they let the big boys play in these) but it would be nice to get some votes :) to vote for me click here (note: you must sign up to vote or nominate grr)

Monday, July 2, 2007


I got nothing :)

I feel the urge to post about something, there's lots of news happening out there (you can read it everywhere), there's even my life to post about (nothing actually newsworthy there) and yet I can't think of anything I want to write about.

The need to post something is still there, hence this post; but as of now, the knowledge of what to post is escaping me.

Golf (heh) pictures. Winner, loser and hurt.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Racism goes both ways?

Federal judge rules in favor of Noxubee County white voters

File photo/The Clarion-Ledger
Noxubee County Democratic Executive Committee Chairman Ike Brown talks outside the Federal Courthouse in Jackson in this file photo.
The voting rights of white voters in majority black Noxubee County were violated, according to a ruling handed down today.

The Justice Department had alleged the Noxubee County Democratic Party, its chairman Ike Brown and the county Election Commission practiced racial discrimination against white voters and candidates.

The attorneys for Democratic Executive Committee and Brown have said the government failed to prove there exists a procedure or structure that denies equal opportunity to white Noxubee County voters .
The Justice Department has called the situation in Noxubee County "the most extreme case of racial exclusion seen by the (department's) Voting Section in decades."

A two-week trial was held in January before Judge Tom Lee in U.S. District Court in Jackson. The trial centered primarily on voting during the 2003 Democratic party primary election and runoff.(link)

As most of you know, I am against ANY discrimination, yet most of the people to my left feel that there cannot be discrimination unless a minority is on the wrong end of the charge. Racism is the same way (in that it is bad either way and that hardly anyone thinks it can go both ways). It is wrong to purposefully discriminate ANYONE based on their race; just as it should be considered wrong to 'hate' them or talk bad about them just because of their race, NO MATTER which race they happen to be.

It is for this reason that I vehemently oppose Affirmative Action. How is it possible that people feel justified in discriminating against someone (anyone) to 'make-up' for past discrimination? This kind of thinking escapes me and for that I'm very glad.

Love me or hate me, disagree to your heart's content, but don't try to tell me that wrong is right because the wronged party is not a minority.
Note: I got home in time this morning to make it to the SL Blogpower awards, but... it hasn't rained at my house in about a month, this morning, it stormed until past 11am (and I had to goto bed) and was again raining when i got up (although not much this evening). That means that with my satellite connection, I couldn't get online at all this morning, sorry guys/gals. Reactions to the ceremony here: ThunderDragon; Sicily Scene; Shades of Grey; Crushed By Ingsoc; those are the only ones with updates AFTER the ceremony so far.

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Blogpower Awards Ceremony

Update: the date will change on this post to keep it on top until the awards; scroll down for new posts.

It has been remiss of me not to plug the upcoming Blogpower awards to be hosted by Tom Paine in SL (second life). Global warming got you burnt up? Can't stand the rain in London? Never fear, SL is here.

Follow the link to join us at the awards ceremony on July 1st, 2007 at 2pm (1400) London time (that's 9am New York) at Tom's fantastic location.

Feel free to enter early (to get acclimated if you're unfamiliar) and you can get a free account at the link above (if needed, you only have to pay if you want to own land).

Many thanks to Tom for doing this, we hope to see all the BP'ers out there (and anyone else who wants to stop by).