Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Say Hello to your New Cellmate Mrs. Clinton !!!

So I'm perusing the net tonight (on the rare moments recently when I have the time) and I came across this.

It appears the worst Senator in the US has apparently been a naughty-girl !! IF the story proves true ( and God I hope it does). We could be seeing the end of Hillary's Presidential campaign...the end of her Senate career... and the beginning of her stay at a federal penitentiary.

It appears that the fundraiser for her Senate campaign that a donor essentially footed the bill for was in fact coordinated (in part) by Clinton. Additionally, the tape implicates her directly soliciting entertainers (which therefore provided "in-kind" contributions by performing). Helping people illegally contribute amounts exceeding $25,000 is a big no-no according to federal election law (at least the last time I looked).

Go here for the story;
Peter Franklin Paul, in a civil fraud suit filed against Bill and Hillary Clinton, claims the former president destroyed his entertainment company to get out of a $17 million deal in which Clinton promised to promote the firm in exchange for stock, cash options and massive contributions to his wife's 2000 campaign. Paul contends he was directed by the Clintons and Democratic Party leaders to foot the bill for a lavish Hollywood gala and fund-raiser prior to the 2000 election that eventually cost him nearly $2 million.

Sen. Clinton has claimed through her spokesman Howard Wolfson that Paul gave no money to her campaign, and her supporters have denied she had any anything to do with coordinating the August 2000 event or soliciting contributions directly from donors. Doing so would make Paul's substantial contributions a direct donation to her Senate campaign rather than her joint fundraising committee, violating federal statutes that limit "hard money" contributions to a candidate to $2,000 per person. Furthermore, knowingly accepting or soliciting $25,000 or more in a calendar year is a felony carrying a prison sentence of up to five years

Clinton's campaign has counted the more than $800,000 of in-kind contributions it reported in a 2006 amended FEC report for the Hollywood Gala as indirect, or "soft money," given to the New York Senate 2000 Committee, a state account that was run jointly by Clinton, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and the New York State Democratic Party.

But the videotape, with clear audio of Sen. Clinton, documents her direct knowledge and involvement with Paul in producing the Hollywood fund-raiser and indicates she participated in solicitation of entertainers, whose in-kind contributions of their services would also constitute illegal contributions exceeding $25,000.

She'd better hope she gets the same sweetheart deal Sandy Berger received !!

One tip Mrs. Clinton - don't count on any conjugal visits from Bill !!

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