Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bloody Mary

First she kills her husband, then she skates on it, now she wants the kids...
HUNTINGDON, Tenn. — A woman who killed her preacher husband with a shotgun asked a judge on Wednesday to grant her custody of her three children, saying she needs to help them heal from the loss of their father.

Mary Winkler told a Carroll County judge that she hasn't been able to visit, speak with or write her daughters since she was convicted of voluntary manslaughter in April.

"We can begin healing together and let G-d guide us," she said.

The children have been living with their paternal grandparents in Huntingdon, a small town in West Tennessee, since Winkler killed their father, Church of Christ preacher Matthew Winkler, in March 2006 in Selmer.

The grandparents, Dan and Diane Winkler, are seeking to terminate their former daughter-in-law's parental rights and adopt the girls.

Winkler argued she should at least be allowed some visitation rights immediately while the custody issue is considered.

Winkler said she is still undergoing counseling and is taking medication for anxiety and depression, but she said she is emotionally and psychologically stable enough to care for the children.[link] {emp. mine-LN}
G-d (imo) didn't seem to guide her up to this point. If she has made her peace with her maker, then I support that decision but I don't know what the judge will do in this situation. Needless to say, I feel she shouldn't be allowed within phone distance of the children who 'need healing'. The main reason the need to heal over the loss of their father is the woman who claims to want to help them. (note: I knew Matthew Winkler)
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